Podcasts are great when needing to listen to a lecture or educational piece later. When I was going to summer school, the classes were 3 hours long everyday for 5 weeks. My mind was blown and filled with information and had a very hard time writing everything down. I started to record the lectures in class so I could play them back later for notes and exams. I think recording the lectures for the students is a great thing. It allows the student to not forget key items that may have been otherwise missed or study more efficiently in case something was written down wrong. I love how in my masters program that is all online, we have pod casts and videos that can constantly be reviewed as many times as necessary.
This week in my Kin 710 class I had to learn about podcasting. This class really does teach me something new each week. Even though its new technology, thankfully it doesn't take me hours to figure out. I always tease my parents when they do not understand some form of technology but here I am, being instructed on new technology. I found myself wanting to do more podcasts  in the future but I still do not know what on. I think I can talk to people about injuries or nutrition or some form of athletic/kinesiology instruction. The only down side to pod casts that I am not too good at is the fact that I am much better demonstrating what I am doing or did then talking about it but who knows, I am willing to give it a whirl!
I completed a year at San Jose State as a graduate student before leaving the program due to program issues with accreditation. Before I left, the undergrad and grad students created a youtube video for a contest. 
For web based documents I have created google docs and google calendars. My husband and I share our calendars and I use google docs for work. I think web based documents are great way to connect fast and easy without publicly displaying information for everyone. For work, google docs is used to document injuries that require an MD/ER visit. This allows my boss to review the material between the 7 high schools and show the benefit to having an athletic trainer. The one down side to google docs is the fact that I am not allowed to access google on the school computers and I do not have wifi in the room. To get into the google system, I have to wait till I am home to upload the information.

I have found myself learning alot in this class so far. I think the one BIG discovery is twitter. I honestly never thought I would have used twitter in my life and even though I am still very slow with this discovery, I am using it and trying to learn as much as I can. My students also informed me that if they found me on twitter, they can follow me and I couldn't really stop it unless I went into my settings BEFORE it happened. I do enjoy that I can block them from my facebook but knowing they can follow me so easily is a little creepy. I do hope I keep discovering more about twitter including what to post.