I have found myself learning alot in this class so far. I think the one BIG discovery is twitter. I honestly never thought I would have used twitter in my life and even though I am still very slow with this discovery, I am using it and trying to learn as much as I can. My students also informed me that if they found me on twitter, they can follow me and I couldn't really stop it unless I went into my settings BEFORE it happened. I do enjoy that I can block them from my facebook but knowing they can follow me so easily is a little creepy. I do hope I keep discovering more about twitter including what to post.
11/4/2012 12:00:05 am

That is one of the resons that I am still hesitant about posting on twitter.

Justin Segotta
11/6/2012 03:54:34 am

This is the one area that I too have a hard time with Twitter. When I first opened my account I had all of my students following me and I could not figure out how to have them ask permission first. Once I figured it out I am better able to control who is viewing my content.

11/9/2012 10:03:25 pm

I agree. I don't know how I feel about twitter. I am very hesitant to use it too.


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